
Why It’s So Important For Hairdressers To Wear Salon Gloves

Salon gloves are an integral, daily item for all hairdressers. Hairdressers are more than 10x more likely to suffer from skin complaints, irritations, and conditions, because of the harsh and complex chemicals found in hair dyes. Around 70% of all hairdressers will experience some sort of skin issue at some point in their careers.

One of the only ways in which this skin condition can be prevented is by wearing salon gloves.

The other main reason for hairdressers wearing gloves is to prevent any cross-contamination in the workplace and prevent the spread of germs between the...

4 Uses For Eco-Friendly Towels Other Than Drying Hair

Eco Towels Australia have really taken off and are a must-have item for salons that want to become more sustainable. They are completely biodegradable, and the fact that they are single-use means that you’re saving loads of water and electricity as they don’t need to be washed. Simply throw them in with your trash, and they’ll decompose by themselves in around 12 weeks.

But eco towels have far more uses than simply drying hair in a salon. Use them for other things in the salon, and even take them home. Some other uses...

Biodegradable Cups Vs Reusable Cups: Which Should You Be Using?

As we all take a more environmentally-friendly approach towards everyday products, we want to encourage you to be mindful about which products are being used in your cafe. Any establishment that serves beverages basically has three choices available to them when it comes to cups: plastic cups, biodegradable cups and reusable cups.

Let’s rule out plastic cups as these are single-use and are non-biodegradable. Single-use plastics will also soon be illegal in Australia. So it is no use making use of an archaic product that is slowly ruining the environment.


5 Reasons To Make The Swap Over To Eco Wipes

If you work in a hair salon, you most likely go through hundreds of wipes each week to use for wiping hair colour off clients’ necks and faces. Have you ever thought about where these wipes end up and how long they take to decompose?

Here are a few reasons why you should look at making the swap over to eco wipes instead!


The most important reason to swap to eco wipes is that they are biodegradable. This means that they will eventually decompose and will decompose far faster than...

The Problem With Disposable Cups: How Your Business Could Benefit From Going Biodegradable

Did you know that the majority of disposable cups you receive at coffee shops, restaurants etc., are not biodegradable?

Whether you’re a cafe, restaurant, office block, hair salon, or any other business that has a coffee machine and currently makes use of single-use coffee cups, switching over to biodegradable disposable coffee cups is one of the biggest and easiest eco-friendly swaps you can make.

Every year billions of disposable coffee cups are thrown away, creating a huge amount...